Gas Grill Main Burner Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part for Kenmore & (See Description)
A021062475 Model # 4073XVT96LKey Features
This is a manufacturer substitution. Part may differ in appearance but is a functional equivalent to prior parts including; 0071141P02001006E,0071141P1935A,0071920P02001006C Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part. Compatible Brands: Kenmore,Kenmore Elite This manufacturer-approved burner (part number 29351) is for gas grills Wait until the surface is cool to the touch before installing this part Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts! This manufacturer-approved burner (part number 29351) is for gas grills. Burner 29351 distributes gas to create an even flame across the cooking area. Wait until the surface is cool to the touch before installing this part. For Kenmore & Kenmore Elite. two count
Product Overview
Kenmore 29351 Gas Grill Main Burner Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part for Kenmore & Kenmore Elite
This is a manufacturer substitution. Part may differ in appearance but is a functional equivalent to prior parts including; 0071141P02001006E,0071141P1935A,0071920P02001006C Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part. Compatible Brands: Kenmore,Kenmore Elite This manufacturer-approved burner (part number 29351) is for gas grills Wait until the surface is cool to the touch before installing this part Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts! This manufacturer-approved burner (part number 29351) is for gas grills. Burner 29351 distributes gas to create an even flame across the cooking area. Wait until the surface is cool to the touch before installing this part. For Kenmore & Kenmore Elite. two countProperties
Identity |
SSIN : A021062475 UID : 351d066d-ad64-416e-951a-4a022e87f687 |
PartNumber | A021062475 |
MfgPartNumber | 4073XVT96L |
ItemPNO | SPM11021657008 |
BrandName | Kenmore |
ProductURL | /kenmore-4073xvt96l-kenmore-29351-gas-grill-main-burner |
SoldBy | Kricket Electronics |
FulfilledBy | Kricket Electronics |